Benefits of Prayer Requests Online
Why should you submit prayer requests online when you can pray to God for your requests on your own? Many find that, for their most important concerns and requests for our Lord, sharing their prayers with others can bring comfort and hope.. The Church encourages us to share our prayer requests with each other, both those still striving for holiness in this life and those who have entered into the joy of Heaven.
Please fill out the form below to add your prayer concerns to the prayer list of the Rhinelander First United Methodist Church. You decide if your joy/concern is kept private or is shared with members and friends of the church who will pray over the concerns. Names and concerns will stay on the list for 4 weeks. Of course, you can always have it taken down sooner or ask to have it kept on the list longer by sending an email to the pastoral/ministries assistant, Lori, at lorikotarba46@gmail or by calling the church at (715)362-2091.
The pandemic taught us we're a nation of charity
When a crisis threatens America, we rise to the occasion. Neighbors dedicated to helping neighbors and businesses quickly stepped up like never before to help those in need. In fact, giving became contagious and everyone was taking part in it. Our children and elderly were given extra care and support also. We were able to bridge the gap between vulnerability and uncertainty to ensure that no individual was left behind.

Personal Essentials Pantry- Rhinelander
The pantry is free if you:
are a food pantry customer have a food share card (Quest) Have a WIC card
Have a Badger Care/Forward Health card Have a professional referral
Visits are limited to one visit per month, up to a total of eight visits in a calendar year.