Who are United Methodists?
The United Methodist Church is a global denomination that opens hearts, opens minds and opens doors through active engagement with our world. The mission of The United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
A United Methodist is someone who joins in that mission by putting faith and love into action. We believe that God loves all people, and that we share in expressing that love. So the United Methodist tradition emphasizes God's grace and in serving others. We believe that Jesus Christ is the fullest expression of God's love--showing us the fullness of God's care through Jesus' teachings, death and resurrection.
John Wesley started the Methodist movement in 18th century England. His teachings on practical divinity (living out our faith) and appeals to reason and experience form important aspects of United Methodist practice today.

The people come together in the Lord's name. There may be greetings, music and song, prayer and praise.
The Scriptures are opened to the people through the reading of lessons, preaching, witnessing, music, or other arts and media. Interspersed may be psalms, anthems, and hymns. Responses to God's Word include acts of commitment and faith with offerings of concerns, prayers, gifts, and service for the world and for one another.
In services with Communion, the actions of Jesus in the Upper Room are reenacted:
taking the bread and cup,
giving thanks over the bread and cup,
breaking the bread, and
giving the bread and cup.
In services without Communion, thanks are given for God's mighty acts in Jesus Christ.
The people are sent into ministry with the Lord's blessing.
Don't sweat the dress code
Back in the day, you'd find that the congregation was dressed a little more like the office. Fortunately, as society has evolved, so have churches. Think more Casual Friday environment — jeans or maxi dresses fit right in with organs and pews. Of course, if dressing up for church means a tuxedo or gown, go right ahead. The idea is to be comfortable in your own skin (or clothes), then to be comfortable in the House of God. Come as you are!
Church is an opportunity to love
We all have a story. We all have an individual walk with God. But we also need a place to share our personal walk. That place of sharing needs to be safe and secure inorder for people to present their authentic selves with the church community. How do we go about doing that? We listen. We open our hearts. We empathize, support, and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ. Each and everyone one of us has a voice. We all have a story. The church should be a place for us to share with no fear of judgement or ridicule. It should be a place where we are acknowledged for our faith and character.

E-Mail: churchoffice.rfumc@gmail.com
Office Hours : 9am-2pm Tuesday-Thursday